Wednesday, 19 December 2012

How to Run and Test a workflow using siebel application?

We can test a workflow using Siebel tool & Application. Most of you are familiar with testing Workflow with tool's simulation. But we can test workflow using siebel application. To do that goto Administration - Business Service -> Simulator.
Give Service Name as "Workflow Process Manager" and Method name "RunProcess". Give required Input argument and click "Run" and find output in output argument section.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

How to setup Profile attribute in Workflow?

There is a Business service Called  "SIS OM PMT Service" & Its Method named as
"Set Profile Attribute"
Input Arguments are
Profile Attribute Name
Profile Attribute Value

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

How to get a field value when we click on MVG?

I have a requirement that when i click on an MVG, Its associate applet should have some filer value, that depends on the value of base applet. So i need that value from base applet. I solved this problem by creating profile attributes. When i click on the MVG the profile attribute will set by using the following code.

function Applet_PreInvokeMethod (name, inputPropSet)

    if(name == "EditPopup"){
        var myname=  this.BusComp().GetFieldValue("field Name");

    return ("ContinueOperation");

In the search specification if the Assoc applet, I get this profile attribute

[filed_name] = GetProfileAttr("attr_name")

Now It is solved